ホームページホームページ > 製品 > パズル > 卸売木製500



パズルサイズ 750*550MM/カスタム
ボックスサイズ 305*210*50MM/カスタム
厚さ約 2MM
重量 770g±10/カスタム
印刷 CMYK フルカラー印刷 (最高のハイデルベルク プリンターを使用) または PMS 印刷
ボックス ボトムカバーボックス、磁気ボックス、フリップトップボックス、郵送ボックス、引き出しボックス、鉄ボックス、カスタマイズされた
サンプル 無料のストックサンプルが利用可能
納期 サンプルは 5 営業日。
大量生産 10営業日
仕上げ 光沢/マットラミネート
在庫あり UV/ゴールドオニオンスプレーペイント
よくある質問1. Q: ジグソーパズルの工場ですか、それとも商社ですか?
A: 当社は浙江省金華に位置し、25 年以上にわたりアジアで最高のジグソーパズル工場の 1 つです。 最低注文数量はいくらですか? 最小注文数に応じてパズルを作成できますか?
A: 当社の最小注文は 1 個、一度に 1 個です。複数の個を注文するには、ご連絡ください。提供できる最高のものを確認します。3. Q: 見積もりを入手するにはどうすればよいですか?
A: 当社ウェブサイトの「連絡先」をクリックしてください ----> 次に「サプライヤーに連絡する」をクリックして、ご希望の数量、サイズ、材質、仕上げ、色、セクションをお知らせください。 10時間4. Q: デザイン作業を行うためのテンプレートは提供されますか? どのような形式を受け入れますか? In 1996, a group of jigsaw puzzle enthusiasts from the art department of the university organized a gathering of jigsaw puzzle enthusiasts in a club. They felt that the quality of most of the puzzles in China was too poor and the price of imported puzzles was too high... The jigsaw enthusiasts often sighed! After graduating from university in 1999, we each found our own piece of heaven! From then on, we were so busy with work that we forgot about our friends. At the beginning of 2001, when we met, we remembered the old days and had a candlelit night in the dormitory, but we felt a lot of emotions and sighed in vain. At the beginning of 2003, SARS was raging and I was afraid to go out, so I revisited my old dream of working on puzzles and set up a puzzle design company, Graphic Design, where my interest became a career, focusing on designing a variety of puzzles and supporting my family. In 2006, after three years of designing jigsaw puzzles, countless sleepless nights in creativity, countless excellent solutions denied, countless quality suggestions rejected, countless times to convince manufacturers to change to no avail... The company was finally abandoned in anger and started a jigsaw puzzle factory with old jigsaw puzzle friends. At the beginning, there were no channels. During this period, he established OEM production relationships with many international brands of toys, sports and educational institutions, and produced materials across many production areas such as paper, wood and EVA... The time that has passed has laid the foundation and ignited hope. From 2007 to the present day: after the integration of advantages, we have perfected all the production aspects of the puzzle, such as "hand-drawing, design, photocopying, proofing, printing and die-cutting". After more than half a year of brand positioning and production research, we finally launched a series of jigsaw puzzles made of paper, wood, blue card, plastic and other high-end materials to the domestic high-end consumer groups. The product was launched - making waves, and the material was very good: our puzzles were appreciated by high-end players for their "never lower quality and design than imported puzzles, and far lower price than imported puzzles". -This is where the dream of many years dawns ....... We have found our own recognition! Looking back, looking forward. We know: design is the essence; we are deeply convinced: quality is precious. Because we know how to be grateful, not profiteering, not to mention the low price squeeze peers - we will be able to thank those who accompany us to grow and experience the spelling friends with various offers. Please pay attention to our website, pay attention to our information - you are that crowd for us! We look forward to your visit!